Income-splitting Techniques

Income-splitting Techniques in Canada

The following are examples of income-splitting techniques allowed in Canada:

  • RRSP contributions can be made by the higher-income spouse into an RRSP registered in the lower-income spouse’s name.
  • Any investments can be made by the lower-income spouse so that any earnings on these investments will then be taxed in the hands of the lower-income spouse.
  • Self-employed individuals can income-split by paying their spouse or child. You may not need to pay Employment Insurance for employing family members.

Services By Acton Accounting & Bookkeeping Inc. Include: Corporate & Personal Tax Returns | Payroll Deductions / T4 / Workers Compensation | Accounts Payable & Receivables | T2 Corporate Tax Return | Income-splitting Techniques | Business And Self-employment Expenses | T1 Individual Income Tax Return | Financial Statements | Bank Reconciliations

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